EDI success model

Become part of the
community and shape your future with us!

  • All POS partners are supplied with all the products in their range via our purchasing association (centralized purchasing) in line with the purchasing conditions of food retailers.

  • The size of the individual POS in the “non-organized retail sector” alone is no longer relevant for pricing; instead, only the total turnover generated by the purchasing group counts.
    As a result, the purchasing group will be a sought-after and adequate partner for the industry in the future.

  • The purchasing benefits provide traders with considerable added value without additional effort (monetary and logistical).

Successfully functioning models as a role model

The concept of the "EDI Einkaufsgemeinschaft Deutscher Impulshandel AG" is comparable to the cooperative concept.

Significance for our purchasing community

  • The development of the cooperatives (EDEKA and REWE) shows that bundling purchasing volumes is the right approach and that strength is derived from the network.

  • Our POS partners speak with one voice – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG.

  • We use an already proven and successful concept that has produced the two largest food retail companies in Germany.

  • Following the successful idea of the historical role models, our purchasing group taps into existing and established market and customer potential.

  • Our POS partners are also, without exception, independent merchants with their own POS established on the market.

  • The advantages resulting from this concept can never be achieved by the individual POS on its own.

Future of the "non-organized trading sector"

  • The previously “unorganized trade sector” is organizing a voice!

  • We are this voice and unite the interests!
    Bundling the interests of individual tradespeople!

  • Bundling the purchasing volume of the existing POS!

  • Strengthened negotiating position “at eye level” with the industry – purchasing conditions similar to food retail!

  • Internet-based mapping of operational business processes!

retail sector (POS)

is forming ...

... to a strong
purchasing community!

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